Fri 10 Jan
🌸 (( New In Town )) 🌸 (( Gorgeous Playmate )) 🌸 (( V.I.P )) 🌹 - 21 - 21
(Longview, Tyler, palestine , Athens , marshall)
♫•:LAST DAY HERE !!❤ ❤▐ S▐E▐X▐Y▐ 100 QV◆◆◆◆ASIAN◆◆◆◆▬▬▐N▐E▐W▐ ❤ ❤♫ •REAL PIC:-- ▬▬▐▐▐ ▬▬AWESOME ▬▬❤ - 25
(Tyler, Tyler.)
_____ READY ____ TO HAVE _____ SOME _____ EROTIC _____ FUN? ______ - 19
SwEeT n SeXi N EvERy WAy °• ---- ☆ oOo ☆ --- °• AlWAys REaDy 2 PlAy - 25
(Westchester, Bronx Incalls/256st & Bway)
⚡💦💦 Let ME Rain on You ⚡💦💦& Drain You💦💦 (60🌹Qv )LAST CHANCE! - 24
(LONGVIEW! Saturday SPECIAL 60🌹 QV, Tyler)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar & Spice . . . . . . . . . . . (Weekends 8am-8pm) . . . . . - 46
Your Fantasy💥💕🎀YoU HAvEN'T HaD 💖💕💖ThE BeST 💖💎UnTIL YoU'vE HaD👉Me👈Verified/Reviewed♣ - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland)
(( The ReaL DeaL )) __ *A*__ N A U G H T Y __ {M A N S} __:T E M P T A T I O N: __ - 22
Ladies make 3000 per week without doing it all. more money for open minded. ages 18-45 - 27
(, Providence)
#1 ReQuesTeD ✰ LoVeLy Ebony✰ PreMieRe PLaYmaTe ✰ ToP ChoiCe ✰Taylor Made - 19
(Midland / Odessa, ODESS/MIDLAND)
Pretty, Sexy, Enticing - 323-252-0339 OXOX Tarrytown NY Early ok - 30
(tarrytown, ny incall/outcall)
🌸💃💃sexy blonde💃💃dangerous curves📣📣super sweet 🍫🍭🍫🍭fun size blonde 🍹🍹🍦real independent 📷📷l - 24
(Elmsford,, Westchester)
[.[.[ . BaCk bY P0PUlAR dEMANd __ H0T PLAY♥ MATE __ MELYSSA .].].] {{Specials Today!!}} - 30
(Waco, Waco In/ Out/ surrounding)
Only in town for tonight .(50) specials - 21
___________ _____________ Mornin __ Massage ____Toys ___ Movies ___ 5oHr _____________ _____________ - 36
(Hispanic Lady Call 4 Info Spcl 50 70 90)
8 NEW HOTtEst GIRLS — —❶— ———— V.I.P SPA —- —=—— -——❶ —————= ———— VIP SERVICES ————— —24/7 — - 21
(Houston, Gulf Freeway (Near 45 / Telephone Rd)
* ;) Come Enjoy Yourself IM VERY Recommended. 1 OF.A.KIND PLEASURE PLEASER - 23
(San Antonio, san antonio-410 & INGRAM)
im back boys! $ _________ -Upscale Beauty- ___________ -Exotic Goddess- ___________ $ - 21
(medical center incalls only)
▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ((( ToUcH TeAsE PLeaSe ))) (( FLirTy lAtInA)) VERY OPENMINDED ❤▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ - 21 ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ((( To - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock 806)
▆▓▓ ❀ ▓▓▆▃ ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤Brazilian❤ ▄▄▄ ❤▃▆▓▓ ❀ ▓▓▆▃ -- L* I* M* I* T* E* D ¥*¥ INCALL SPECIAL *** LOLA 18 - 18
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen, forthood, Temple)
SO TIGHT👄SO RIGHT ONE HIT 💄UBe Done 💦4 Night All The Things UR❤️DESIRE & More 💋 I'm Very Freaky Girl👅 - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen/ft.hood)
; •:*:• *STUNNING •:*:• *BEAUTIFUL •:*:• *SO SEXY •:*:• CHECK ME OUT •:*:• *HOT ($60specials - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen &surrounding; areas)
~N~ ~E~ ~W~ .P. .I. .C. .S. ~S~ ~E~ ~X~ ~Y~ (C) (H) (I) (C) (K) im waitng for you - 19
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
NEW 2 TOWN! [ ★SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★ ] __*1OO% SEXY*__ [ ★ HiGHLy ADDiCtiV! ★] - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood,
... DoNt Be FoOLeD .. I aM tHe BeSt .** WaRnINg ExTrEmLy aDdiCtIvE!!! ** specials !!! - 24
(Lubbock, lubbock outcall)
Don't MISS Out All American💋 😙36D🍈D🍈D Natural💋 (Curvy)👀well REVIEWED 👀❣Call Me - 35
(Longview, Tyler)
ㅌnㅗiㄷing ㄹuPㅌr ㅋrㅌㅂk♥ Wㅂ ㅗㅌrㅋㅂㄴㄴ♥ ㅜㅂㄴㄴㅌNㅜㄹ ㄷㅇㅆㅌ ㅂNd ㄹㅌㅌ - 19
(Tyler, tyler and all surrounding areas)
IM BaCk (✔) OutStanding Reviews (✔) Real Pics (✔) No BS (✔) MS. RaCHeLL! - 23
CARAMEL👄SEXXY AZZ Bunny 👄 SUPA tight Warm grip🚨🚨 Super NASTY👏 AZZ YOU CAN Grip - 30
(OUTCALLS, Savannah)
got specials 6ft, blue eyed, blonde, curvy ,amazonian w/ big booty cougar, need 420 love - 41
(Houston, Houston mainly incall)
_______ _______ BUSTY __________ BOOTYLICOUS _____ ______ GALLERIA _______ ______ BABE ___________ - 28
Ask about $60 INCALL SPECIALS * BLACK BARBIE* !! Let Me Be Your Little Freak .. Cute and Petite - 19
$1OO$ __ ((W o W)) ♥__ FrEaKy FuN!!_($1OO$)_ SeXxXy BrUnEtTe __♥ ((W o W)) __ 1OO - 25
(♥ Galleria Incall ♥)
⭐100%⭐ Real💋 Naughty 👅Girl🍭💄💅Sultry👠Foreign 💋👑 Beauty!!🌹- LIMITED TIME - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Pasadena, 45S, hobby, clearlake)
💋❤💋100% REAL THICK AZZ💋❤ Cute as a Button 💋❤💋Thick "HORSE" Bubble Booty ❤ VISiting - 22
B R A Z I L I A N _ _ _ _ _ _ M O D E L S __ __ _ _ _ _ __♥______ __ __ __S P A ___ _ _ - 26
(Westchester, Stamford.. 1 min off exit 7 of I-95)
♥ Hot, Sweet, & everything you NEED! Brunette Girl NexT Door ♥ NO RUSH - 21
(Waco, Waco Temple Killeen)
✨✘ uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨✴SKiLLŞ👌👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆Frεαkγ👅💄SEXY Juicγ 💦 - 24
(Tulsa, Tulsa/surrounding)
🍬Sweet🔥Exotic🌺Latina👅💦 New in Town ! Incall specials all day ! Don't be shy let's have some fun😉😘💦 - 20
(East Bay, Pinole, Richmond)
*"* EVeRYTHING *"* U♥NeeD *"* IN 1 PaCKaGE *"*: SpEcIaLs - 23
Cute College Co-ed, Party Girl for Good Times! - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, In town, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa)
Classy Lady for a Wild Ride! - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, anywhere you want me!)
🌟🌟🌟💫💋💫 🌟🌟🌟 💫💋💫B E A U T I F U L💫💋💫 🌟🌟🌟 💫💋💫 UPSCALE 💫💋💫 🌟🌟🌟 💫💋💫 P L A Y M A T E 💫💋💫 🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip)
new in town hurry in dont miss out on the besr latina girl there is - 20
(Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, Ca.)